
Please find below a list of Embassies in Cyprus:
(For a list of Consulates, click here)

Austria|(+357) 22410151|34 Dimosthenous Severi Avenue,1st Floor, Office 101, P.O.Box. 23961,Nicosia|[email protected]**

Belgium|+ 357 22449020|2A Chilonos Street, Office 102, 1101 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Bulgaria|(+357) 2 267 24 86|Engomi, 13 Constantinou, Paleologou str, Nicosia|[email protected]**

China|00357-2-2352182|30 Archimidous Street, P.O. Box 24531, Engomi, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Cuba|(357) 22 769 743|Androkleous 1 corner Thoukididou, Nicosia 1060|[email protected]**

Czech Republic|00357-22421118|48 Arsinois Str., Acropolis, 2001 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Denmark|+357 (22) 377 417|7 Dositheou Street, Parabuilding, Block C, 4th floor , 1071 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Egypt|00357 22449050|14 Ayios Prokopios Street, 2406, P.O.Box 21752, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Finland|+357-22-458 020|9 Arch. Makarios Avenue, Severis Building, 2nd floor, P.O.BOX 21438, Nicosia|[email protected]**

France|[357] (22) 58 53 00|14-16 Saktouri street, Agioi Omologitai,1080 Nicosie|[email protected]**

Georgia|+(357) 22-592-233|4th floor, N7 Voulgari st. 1070 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Germany|(00357 2) 2 45 11 45|10 Nikitaras Street, 1080 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Greece|(0035722) 445111|Vyronos Av. 8-10, P.O.Box 21799, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Hungary|+35797602313|3 Diagoras St, Office 201, 1097, Nicosia|**

Ireland|00357 22 818183|7 Aiantas Street, P.O.Box 23848, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Israel|(357)-22-369500|4 Ioanni Grypari Street,1090 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Italy|357 2235 7635|25th March Street, 11 Engomi, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Lebanon|(+357) 22 878282|6 Chiou Street, Ayios Dhometios, P.O.Box 21924, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Netherlands|+357-22-873666|34 Demosthenis, Severis Avenue, P.O. Box 23835, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Palestine|357 22 315010|P.O. Box 4669, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Poland|(+357-22) 753784|12 - 14 Kennedy Ave, Office 302, PO Box 22743, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Portugal|+357.22.375.131|Archbishop Makarios III Avenue 1516, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Romania|(357)(22)495333|K27, Pireos Str., Strovolos - Nicosia|[email protected]**

Russia|+357 22 464622|P.O.Box 21845, 1514 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Serbia|+357-22-777511|2 Vasilissis Olgas Str., Engomih, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Slovakia|(+357-22) 879681|4 Kalamatas Street, PO Box 21165, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Spain|(+357) 22450 412|32 Strovolos Avenue, 4th floor, 2018 Strovolos, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Sweden|+357 (22) 45 80 88|Archbishop Makarios avenue 9, 1065 Nicosia|[email protected]**

Switzerland|(+357-22) 466800|46 Themistocles Dervis Str., Medcon Tower, 6th Floor, Nicosia|[email protected]**

Syria|+ 357 2 2764481|Nikodimou Mylona 24, 1071 Nicosia|**

Ukraine|+357-22-758069|5 Dositheou Str., 044, Lycavitos, Nicosia|[email protected]**

United Kingdom|+357 22 861100|Alexander Pallis Street (PO Box 21978), 1587 Nicosia|[email protected]**

USA|357-22-393939|Metochiou & Ploutarchou Street, 2407, Engomi, Nicosia|[email protected]**